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History of PONTEN : MANGKUNEGARA VII - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin


1937, His Majesty Mangkunegoro VII asking a dutch archtect, homas karsten to design a public bathing place or ‘badplaats’ . Ponten buldings revealing achitectural blend of modern architecture and sanitation system with tradional facade. Architecture and sanitation system with traditional facde. Tem is an open buliding with no roof which consists of several rooms with symmetrical layout.

Thomas Karsten (1884-1945 ) was a dutch architect who gave major contributions to architecture and town planning in Indonesia during Dutcj colonial rule. Most significantly he integrated the practice of colonial urban environment with native elements;

Mangkunegara VII was born on 12 november 1885 and died on 1944 he as the holder of the reins of goverment Mangkunegaran from year 1926-1944. Mangkunegara VII is a view that isi considered a modern rules in his time, he managed to improvw wlfare in Praja Mangkunegaran region through the plantation business.

This building is one of the best forns architectuaral, technicaldan ecological buliding in a Public Toilet which was founded in the early 20th century. Ponten will projected as natinal sanitation icon that can be a means of ecological education part City of Surakarta as Eco-Cultural City.



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