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Creative Regency/City Development Workshop (KaTa Kreatif)

Creative Regency/City Development Workshop (KaTa Kreatif)

Creative Regency/City Development Workshop (KaTa Kreatif)

(Saturday, July 2nd 2022) Mayor of Surakarta city, Gibran Rakabuming Raka attended (KaTa) Creative Regency/City Development Workshop in The Purwohamijayan, Baluwarti, Pasar Kliwon. The workshop attending by Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia  , Sandiaga Uno.

The workshop held by Deputy for Destination and Infrastructure Development, Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf through the Directorate of (KaTa) Creative Economy Infrastructure in order to realize the Indonesian Creative Regency/City Development Program. The purpose of this workshop is to increase insight, creativity and innovation for creative economy people in Surakarta City.

Menparekraf into the workshop “Ngobrol bareng mas Menteri” (Discussion with the Minister), he explained that the workshop as a number of  G20 celebration event in order to strengthen an ecosystem later Surakarta city get appreciation as City of Carnival Performing Arts “This year we prepared workshop in order to create a discussion between creative people and the government then in 2023 we will ready for UNESCO.” explained Sandiaga

Gibran in the talkshow explained that Government of Surakarta city commitment to bring Surakarta city cultural by bringing Solo city cultural artist to go International.” explained Gibran

Menparekraf also explained that the purpose of this event for reorganizing Solo city so that Solo city ready to be submitted to UNESCO next year.  KaTa Creative workshop aims to  improve the readiness of Solo city, prepares additional information so that next year we will submit to UNESCO for this performing arts and be able to succeed in getting approval and recognition as a Performing Arts Sub-Sector City in the Creative Cities Network from UNESCO. “explained Sandiaga.

Sandiaga also explained later Solo city already entered into Creative Cities Network so that become an ecosystem that will be monitored directly by UNESCO.

“It will become an ecosystem that is directly monitored by UNESCO so that the people in preserving performing arts, culture, and annual activities will be held in the city of Solo,” explained Sandiaga.


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