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Stop by the Samanhoedi Museum, Remembering the Feared National Hero - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Stop by the Samanhoedi Museum, Remembering the Feared National Hero

The Samanhoedi Museum is located in the back of the Sondakan Village Hall. This museum occupies a space that was previously designated as a lurah official residence. The establishment of the museum is to commemorate the Samanhoedi, a figure who contributed greatly to the history of the national movement in the 20th century. Through the Sarekat Dagang Islam (SDI) organization, Samanhoedi became one of the national heroes.

His struggle was considered dangerous for the colonial government. His movement was considered radical because of his thinking that longed for equality and managed to attract thousands of members. Samanhoedi was born in Sondakan in 1868 with the first name Sudarno Nadi. He continued his batik business, Haji Ahmad Zein, who was also known as a batik merchant in the Laweyan area. His great services made Sondakan Village make roads, halls, museums and cultural events under the name Samanhoedi.

The Samanhoedi Museum was pioneered since 2009 by the Chair of Warna-Warni Indonesia Foundation, Krisnina Maharani, the wife of former House Speaker Akbar Tandjung. Two years of occupying a former batik warehouse on Tiga Negeri St. Kampong Laweyan, the Samanhoedi Museum was brought to its present location.

The Samanhoedi Museum only measures 4 x 12 meters. There are no personal objects or collections of Samanhoedi, but documents and photographs of the series of struggles during the movement. His literary character can be seen from the clippings of the Medan-Prijaji newspaper about the brief history of Haji Oemar Said (HOS) Tjokroaminoto. The media is fronted by friends and makers of SDI Articles of Association (AD / ART), namely Raden Mas (RM) Tirto Adhi Suryo.

The museum also displayed photos during the Samanhoedi funeral which was attended by thousands of mourners on December 28, 1956. Four years after he died, Samanhoedi received the title of national hero Bintang Maha Putra from President Soekarno at the Merdeka Palace on February 15, 1960.


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