The establishment of a saka guru in 1878 marked by Candra Sangkala “Resi Sapta Ngandikani Ratu”. Originally owned by BKPH Kusuma Broto (Son of Paku Buwono X) so in his inscriptions it was called Ndalem Kusumabratan.
In 1938, the ownership was transferred to BKPH Joyoningrat (Son of Paku Buwono IX) by adding an eastern pavilion building marked by the addition of marble in the connecting wall to the Dalem Agung.
Then, in 1953 this palace was occupied by BKPH MR Joyokusumo (Son of Paku Buwono X). In 1965, Ndalem Joyokusuman was sold to R. Ng. Malkan Sangidoe and inhabited in 1966 after the floods that struck Surakarta.
In 1970, Ndalem Joyokusuman was occupied by Endar, son of R. Ng. Malkan Sangidoe. In 2016, it officially became an asset of the Surakarta Government and currently Ndalem Joyokusuman is used as a center for cultural development.
nDalem Joyokusuman as One of the New Destinations in Solo City
nDalem Joyokusuman, located in Gajahan, Pasar Kliwon, Solo, is now entering the third stage targeting art and cultural spaces and parking area. nDalem Joyokusuman, which currently functions as a cultural heritage, has also become one of the tourist destinations for local and foreign travelers.
This destination has several parts, such as pendhapa, parks, ponds, as well as some rooms that can later be used by guests. In certain events, tourists can enjoy and play the gamelan.
nDalem Joyokusuman has also been used as a venue of events in Solo, such as Semarak Budaya Indonesia and Semarak Jenang Sala. Hopefully, people can find out the existence of a relatively new cultural heritage in Surakarta.
The Value of nDalem Joyokusuman as a Cultural Heritage
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