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Loji Gandrung, Indies-Style Mayor’s Home Office - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Loji Gandrung, Indies-Style Mayor’s Home Office

Loji Gandrung has a building area of 3,500 square meters which stands on an area of 6,295 square meters. The Solo Mayor’s Office has an Indis architectural style, which is a combination of European (Dutch) culture with local (Javanese) culture. The building was originally a dwelling owned by Johannes Augustinus Dezentje (1797-1839) which was built in 1830. Dezentje or Tinus was the first Dutch plantation pioneer in Surakarta and is also known as a landlord in Ampel, Boyolali (de legendarisch Solose planter en landheer van Ampel).

As a prominent plantation businessman in his day, Tinus often held parties at his home in Solo. Because it is often used for some dance parties, Javanese people around Tinus’s residence calls the party a love show.

The word gandrungan comes from the Javanese language which has the basic word gandrung which means to like or to be crazy about romance. Gradually Tinus’s big house was known as Loji Gandrung. The word loji itself means a large, nice and walled house. Originally from Dutch, loge. But after being said by the Javanese to be a loji.

After Tinus’s death, the Loji Gandrung building was inhabited by Tinus’s descendants from his first wife, Johanna Dorothea Boode. At the time of the Japanese occupation of Solo, the Loji Gandrung building had become the headquarters for the leadership of the Japanese army in charge of the Surakarta Area. Loji Gandrung was also used by General Gatot Subroto to formulate a military strategy against military aggression by the Dutch and the Allies.

This makes the Statue of Gatot Subroto built in front of Loji Gandrung. In addition, Loji Gandrung was also used as a place to interrogate political prisoners.

Loji Gandrung has a long and wide terrace. The large doors and shutters are typical of Dutch buildings. In the living room, some antique chairs arranged and there are two large photos of First President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir Soekarno, hanging in the wall.

The right of the living room functioned as a mayor’s meeting room. While on the left, two rooms lined up. The room closest to the outside is a room that is often used by President Soekarno when visiting Solo. While the second room is for the Mayor’s to rest. Meanwhile, Loji Gandrung’s back porch was used as the mayor’s office. The very back is a pavilion for the meeting place. On the right and left the side of the pavilion there is a ward where the household staff and the Satpol PP guard officers rest.


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