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Wayang Orang Sriwedari Performance Schedule In December 2022
Wayang Orang Sriwedari Building located in Taman Sriwedari complex in Slamet Riyadi 275th S...
Indonesian Culture Festival 2022 with the theme “Folk Tradition Festival”
INDONESIAN CULTURE FESTIVAL 2022 with the theme “Folk Tradition Festival” which will...
National’s Puppets Day 2022
In commemoration of “Hari Wayang Nasional” (National Puppets Day) the City Governmen...
Wayang Orang Sriwedari Performance Schedule In November 2022
Wayang Orang Sriwedari Building located in Taman Sriwedari complex in Slamet Riyadi 275th S...
DBHCHT Shows 2022
An event to socialize the new legislation about illegal cigarettes’ by using tradi...
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