Solo Dancing 2023
Solo Dancing 2023 will be present to fill the urban space as a gathering that connects the egali...
Solo Dancing 2023 Bedhayan Naradipta Mass Dance
The youngers dance their bodies as an expression of self-liberation, embodying desire, accompani...
Wayang Orang Sriwedari Performance Schedule for April 2023
The Sriwedari Wayang Orang Performance is held every day from Monday to Saturday at 07.30 PM. Th...
Ogoh-Ogoh for Celebrating Saka New Year 1945/2023
The tradition of the ogoh-ogoh parade for Hindus is part of a series of welcoming the Holy Day o...
Kampung Ramadhan 2023 in Solo City
For your information, Kampung Ramadhan 2023 will be held again in the city of Solo There will b...
Sinta Ilang Performance-2023
Kethoprak Sriwedari March 2023
Announcement Since this March Kethoprak Sriwedari will air every Thursday. Time:...
Wayang Orang Sriwedari Performance Schedule for March 2023
The Sriwedari Wayang Orang Performance is held every day from Monday to Saturday at 07.30 PM. Th...
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