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Wayang Orang Sriwedari Performance Schedule for May 2023 - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Wayang Orang Sriwedari Performance Schedule for May 2023

The Sriwedari Wayang Orang Performance is held every day from Monday to Saturday at 07.30 PM. The current seat class provided is VIP with a ticket price of IDR 10,000.00.

Tickets for the Sriwedari Wayang Orang Performance can be purchased online or by contacting the reservation number +6289518178966, or can be obtained directly at the ticket counter at the Sriwedari Wayang Orang Building after 5 PM.

The Sriwedari Wayang Orang Building is located within the Taman Sriwedari Complex at Jl. Slamet Riyadi No. 275 Surakarta. Tourists can find it on the west side, marked by a small statue of Gatotkaca in battle.



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