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The exoticism of the Great Mosque of Keraton Solo - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

The exoticism of the Great Mosque of Keraton Solo

Surakarta Great Mosque is located north of Pasar Klewer, or right on the west side of the lor square of Keraton Surakarta. The mosque that has this ancient Javanese architecture is one of the ancient mosques in Indonesia. A part of Surakarta Kasunanan palace, the Grand Mosque occupies an area of 19,180 square meters. The mosque is separated from the surroundings by a 3.25 meter-high wall fence. Surakarta Grand Mosque Building is a tajug-style building with three rooftops and culminates mustaka (crown).

Inside the Great, Mosque complex can be found various buildings with a distinctive Javanese-Islamic cultural function. There is also a maksura, which is a general completeness for the royal mosque.

Although the main building of the mosque has an ancient Javanese architecture, the main gate of this mosque is Persian Arabic style. Located east of the main building, this gate stands majestically with one large main door, flanked by two small doors on the left and right. From the main gate, visitors can sit on the porch of the mosque that extends from south to north with the middle of the front jutting, the term, tratag rambat.

The main building of the mosque is supported by four pillars (the main pillar) with 12 saka swamp (additional poles). Glance similar to joglo house building. Here there are also mihrab and pulpits to deliver religious sermons. From the outside, the shape of the roof of this mosque is similar to the Great Mosque of Demak that is tied with limasan. Another room is pawestren as a place for prayer for women and meeting hall. Almost all parts of the mosque building are dominated by solid teak wood.

In addition to the uniqueness of buildings, around the yard of the mosque, there are some other interesting things. Among them, pagongan on the north and south after entering the main gate of the mosque. Pagongan form of pendapa with the same size of the building. Its function, as a place where the palace gamelan placed and played during the celebration of Sekaten. Next, the stables and garage train for the king when the Friday prayers and gerebeg. Then, the adzan tower that has an architectural style inspired by Qutub Minar in Delhi, India. There is also istiwak, namely gnomon (stake) which becomes part of the sun clock to determine the time of prayer. Finally, gedang selirang, a building that is used for the abdi dalem who take care of the mosque.


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