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Have Fun at Solo Zoo - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Have Fun at Solo Zoo

Solo Zoo or Taru Jurug Animal Park (TSTJ) has a collection of 63 species of animals. Dozens of species of animals that consists of 298 fauna that occupy a land area of 13.9 hectares. Entrance fee is Rp12.000 from Monday to Friday and Rp15.000 on weekends. Based on historical records, Solo Zoo is a city park located on the banks of Bengawan Solo River. The collection of animals in it, formerly located in Taman Sriwedari Complex, in the city center.

In that time, Sriwedari still named Bonrojo aka The King Garden built by Paku Buwono X in the 1870s. Then in 1939, Sri Susuhunan Pakubuwana X died and the Bonrojo Zoo became less well preserved. Finally, in 1986, Solo City Government took the initiative to take over the zoo to be more well groomed and move it to where it is today.c

This park is located at Jalan Ir. Sutami No.40, Kentingan, Jebres or precisely next to Sebelas Maret University Campus (UNS). After passing through the main entrance, visitors are shortly greeted by the presence of elephant enclosure. Next, to it, there is a birdcage containing a variety of colorful birds. Some of them are of critical status or their extinction is threatened. A stone’s throw from it, visitors can shift to bear cages, tigers, monkeys, and crocodiles. Far behind this area, there is the cage of camels. These Camels can be used as a ride on weekends. In addition to the camel cage, there are bulls, deer, horses, and ground kangaroos. The animals are located in one complex. Walking a little way back, there are some cages of the orangutan. Around the cages of orangutans, there are smaller sized enclosures whose inhabitants of various types of primates. Spending time in Solo Zoo won’t make you tiring because of so many trees that overshadow this wildlife park. A number of food vendors also ready if visitors feel tired or hungry.



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