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Solo Keroncong Festival 2022 with theme Keroncong Fusion “witing keroncong jalaran saka kulino” - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Solo Keroncong Festival 2022 with theme Keroncong Fusion “witing keroncong jalaran saka kulino”

Solo is a house of keroncong Indonesia that has given birth to maestro of keroncong.

Solo Keroncong Festival 2022 with theme Keroncong Fusion “witing keroncong jalaran saka kulino”. A music performance that bring Keroncong best friends to past romance with contemporary music packaging.

Performing Local Music Delegation and International Delegation on July 24th – July 25th 2022 at 7 P.M in Pamedan Pura Mangkunegaran

The ticket is FREE and it opens for people.

A music performance will be present by Live streaming on  Disbudpar Surakarta, Pariwisata Solo, Budaya Saya, KompasTV, and Gibran TV Youtube Channel.


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