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Solo Keroncong Festival 2021 - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Solo Keroncong Festival 2021



Sunday & Monday, 7 – 8 November 2021

7 p.m. till end

Live Convention Hall Tirtonadi

With the theme “Keroncong Historia for Millennials”


First day:

@keroncongisasi_official feat @danang_dancestudio

@keroncongisasi_official feat @billytamnge

OK @krontjongtoegoe feat Iin Indriani

OK Stay Fresh feat Trio Seniman Solo (Nuning Darmono, Nunung, Tutik WD)

OK Bintang Surakarta, feat. Guest Star:

@batikwalangkekek Waldjinah




OK @nobatkotasinga

OK @keroncongliwet feat @intansoekotjo

Second day:

#keroncongrumput @mrmisshannahmarie

@congrock17official feat @andregalihh

OK @jempoljenthik feat @danielchristianto_1_76

OK Spice Routes Ensamble @dramarama666 feat @adhistyanindita

OK Paksi Band @paksiraras feat @shumaprada

Prince of Fire Flies Band @agusnoor_ Feat @mustikoworo, @dimspratamaw, and @srikrishnaencik


For viewers, you can watch on the spot with limited quota and it’s FREE by first making a reservation via Ernie 0813-9323-6642 and MUST apply the health protocol & enter with the Peduli Lindungi application.


For viewers who have run out of tickets, you can watch virtually on the Youtube Channel:

- Budaya Saya

- GibranTV

- Dinas Kebudayaan Surakarta

- Pariwisata Solo

- Batik TV

- Kompas TV


Don’t miss it on the first day at 3.30 p.m.

Pod – Kron (Podcast Keroncong) hosted by @bensleo52

Resource persons: Father Muji Sutrisno, @singgihsanjaya, @addimes999, @herry_james

Wait for the announcement of the Solo Keroncong Festival tik tok competition in this session


















#keroncongberseri #eventkultur #eventsolo #millenialcintakeroncong #infosolo #kabarsolo #solojiwanejawa #skf2021



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