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Solo Jenang Festival 2023: Pusaka Rasa Nusantara - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Solo Jenang Festival 2023: Pusaka Rasa Nusantara

Jenang has been recorded in the ancient book Serat Tatacara written by Ki Padmasusastra, 1893. As a symbol of life, jenang is served accompanied by prayers and hopes for safety.

Savory and sweet flavors when tasted from coconut milk, glutinous rice flour, sugar which are mixed together, are often missed by those who go abroad. Jenang sumsum, jenang ireng or jenang grendul are only a small part of the variety of Nusantara.

If served at special times, this traditional food becomes a reminder of the human life cycle which is full of religious values, a guide for life for the people.

In accordance with the meaning of jenang as gratitude and good wishes, on the 278th anniversary of the Solo City, the Indonesian Jenang Foundation ^ Solo City will hold the Jenang Festival.

We are all invited to preserve this Nusantara Heritage.

Pesta Berbagi Jenang (Jenang Sharing Party)

Solo Ngarsopuro Corridor. Friday, February 17th 2023

at 08.00 AM – 11.00 AM

Pasar Jenang (Jenang Market)

Pamedan Puro Mangkunegaran Solo

Friday, February 17th 2023

at 08.00 AM – 05.00 PM


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