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The Biggest Smart Park in Solo - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

The Biggest Smart Park in Solo

A number of youngsters were absorbed in playing amongst the puppet figures in Taman Cerdas Jebres, Solo, early July 2018. Some others chose to relax in the gazebo, occasionally taking pictures near the dinosaur statue. In that afternoon, the weather is quite hot. However, the park area of 3.5 hectares is actually crowded. Indeed, Taman Cerdas Jebres has been a favorite of schoolchildren and residents since built in 2014 ago.

Access to this place is very easy. The location is north of the Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Solo Campus or behind Solo Technopark Building. There is no entrance ticket, so no need to spend your money. Visitors simply pay a parking fee worth Rp2.000 for motorcycles. Taman Cerdas Jebres features a children’s playground, a multipurpose room, a library, an IT room, an open-air theater and an audio-visual room. There is also a children’s radio and a gamelan room.

The library and IT room are in the main building. While the children’s radio is in education buildings borrowed by the Office of Women Empowerment Child Protection and Community Empowerment (DP3APM) Solo. In addition to the enclosed building, Taman Cerdas Jebres also features a playground to train child’s agility such as a seesaw, slump, to a passageway connected to the gazebo. Then, the stage is open as the stage of Ramayana Prambanan Temple Park located just behind the main building, as a medium for self-actualization.

Most remarkable is the existence of six statues of puppet figures, namely, Krishna, Bima, Gatotkaca, Rama, Shinta, and Hanuman. The statues are made of fiber as high as three meters. Do not miss to see the various reliefs and copper sculptures of Indonesian proclaimed figure, Soekarno-Hatta, and Education Father Ki Hajar Dewantara.



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