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Sanggar Seni Reog Singo Kerti Surakarta - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Sanggar Seni Reog Singo Kerti Surakarta

The Reog Singo Kerti Art Studio is an art group that takes part in caring for and preserving one of the arts from East Java, namely Reog Singo Barong and Jathilan. The Reog Singo Kerti Art Studio often appears in art festivals, cultural performances and certain events.

This art is better known as Reog Ponorogo, which is a culture originating from East Java. Reog Ponorogo is a traditional art of the Ponorogo people which is often known as Barongan. This dance features a tiger mask figure decorated with peacock feathers of a very large size. The mask is worn and danced in a snaking motion. In various regions, Reog culture has its own characteristics, from its dancers and masks.

In 2002 the singer of the Walangkekek langam received an art award from the Hanjaringrat music foundation in Solo with the legendary composer Gesang.

Waldjinah’s popular songs include Yen Ing Tawang, Bengawan Solo, Walang Kekek, Ande-Ande moss, Rudjak Ulek, Suwe Ora Jamu and so on.


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  • Senin 8:00 - 17:00
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