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Sanggar Seni Padalangan Eling Lelakon - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Sanggar Seni Padalangan Eling Lelakon

The Eling Lelakon puppetry studio led by Ridho Wahyudi, SH. This address is at Busukan RT 03/RW 27 Mojosongo, Jebres, Ska. The establishment of this studio originated from the desire to accommodate school children in artistic activities and to preserve Javanese traditional arts, especially in the field of sound.
In 2002 the singer of the Walangkekek langam received an art award from the Hanjaringrat music foundation in Solo with the legendary composer Gesang.

Waldjinah’s popular songs include Yen Ing Tawang, Bengawan Solo, Walang Kekek, Ande-Ande moss, Rudjak Ulek, Suwe Ora Jamu and so on.

Waldjinah’s popular songs include Yen Ing Tawang, Bengawan Solo, Walang Kekek, Ande-Ande moss, Rudjak Ulek, Suwe Ora Jamu and so on.


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