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Sambung Rasa Lokananta - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Sambung Rasa Lokananta

National Music Day is a commemoration of music day in Indonesia which held every March 9th. One of the goals of this event is to increase public appreciation of Indonesian music, besides that music itself is an expression of universal culture that represents noble and humanitarian values ​​that have a strategic role to advance national development. This is very closely related to the establishment of Lokananta as the dissemination of culture in Indonesia through music.

Lokananta is known as the oldest record company in Indonesia in the Solo City, which has managed to record and duplicate audio works from various cultural arts in Indonesia. On that basis, Lokananta held a National Music Day celebration on:
Date: 7 March 2020
Time: 6 p.m – finished
Location: Lokananta Central Park and Lokananta Front Yard

Lokananta as a part of art and culture, wants to reintroduce traditional arts in the form of Javanese songs in the community through an event “Sambung Rasa Lokananta”.

“Sambung Rasa Lokananta” will be guided by Ign. Krisna Nuryana Putra, lecturer at ISI Yogyakarta. The event was also enlivened by the appearance of Gamelan Gadhon Ki Agus PM and friends, Anteng Kitiran and singer from Solo, Woro Mustiko. Lokananta will also give an award to Mrs. Waljinah for her dedication in keroncong music.

In addition, Vintage Market will also add to the lively celebration of the National Music Day which is followed by antique traders from various cities in Java, Germany and Malaysia. Vintage Market is located in the front yard of Lokananta. Hopefully, this event is not just a ceremonial event.



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