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Reog in Solo Performings Art - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Reog in Solo Performings Art

Hai, travel buddies!

Have you ever watch “Reog” Performing Arts before?

Reog is a performing arts comes from Probolinggo. Now, you can enjoy this performing art in Solo City especially in REOG IN SOLO.

Save the date:

Friday and Saturday, 19-20 April 2024

3.30 PM

in Balaikota Surakarta

There will be some performances of 22 Reog Art Studio from Solo City and Probolinggo Regency.

Come and see!

Enjoy the Reog in Solo with your partner, mates, and family at this weekend in Solo City.

FREE for public


Contact Person:

+62 8878 3811 0725 (Mazen)

+62 896 55928531 (Agung)



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