A musical forum for orchestra lovers in Surakarta which was established in 2018 and It started from the anxiety of orchestra lovers about lack of orchestral music knowledge and space for express themselves.
Hadiningrat Berdendang Surakarta (HadBerSka) houses several orchestras such as: LATAR JEMBAR, OM BAPERSOB, LAJU MEMANAS.
As times goes by, moderanization and the eroded of love for homeland. Tourism Government office of Surakarta city and HadBerSka presented music performance with theme ”Orkes Merdeka” because love of national anthem and patriotism of Indonesia..
Watch now ‘Orkes Merdeka’ Live Streaming on:
Saturday, September 11th 2021
at 12 PM
Live On Youtube Pariwisata Solo and GibranTV.
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