Ndalem Hardjonegaran is the residence of Panembahan Hardjonegara or also known as Go Tik Swan (which is now a cultural heritage).
Now the residence of this figure who is close to President Sukarno is functioned as a batik production house and a gallery of cultural artifacts from the Panembahan Hardjonegara collection.
Panembahan Hardjonegara or Go Tik Swan has a big role in the culture of Solo and the development of batik in Indonesia. Indonesian Batik is a creation that Hardjonegara has successfully created combines to Solo Jogja Batik techniques from Sogan Batik and Pesisiran Batik at the request of President Soekarno.
Besides, he is a Batik maestro, he is also an expert in Javanese dances, an expert in keris and he is also an observer and likes to collect ancient statues and objects that are now neatly arranged in the complex of ndalem Hardjonagaran.
Ndalem Hardjonegaran opens to anyone who wants to learn batik and heirlooms. With pleasure, KRA Hardjosoewarno and his wife, Mrs. Supiyah greet visitors who already made an appointment to visit in advance.
For those of you who want to visit Ndalem Harjonegaran, you can make a reservation via WA 0878 3605 0077 (KRRA. H. Hardjosuwarno)
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