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Natural Tourism Around Solo - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Natural Tourism Around Solo

Grojogan Sewu

Tourism destination in Karanganyar named Grojogan Sewu located just below the slopes of Mount Lawu which is located in Kalisoro, Tawangmangu, Karanganyar.  Only 14 km from the city of Solo, the road to this destination is quiet accessible only need to go through 1250 steps which specially made to facilitate pedestrians. The natural condition in Grojokan Sewu is an area of cultural heritage, thus the wild life grow naturally like in the forest. The natural beauty of waterfalls from the original mountain springs will refresh your heart and mind.

Tea Plantation

Tea plantation is also one of the best tourist destinations in Karanganyar. This tea plantation destination is interesting to visit because the neatly arranged tea trees with refreshing natural atmosphere. The tea plantation is also a place to do extreme sport like paragliding on a hill near the tea garden which is located at the paragliding hill Segoro village, kemuning, Karanganyar. The location of the tea plantation close to several tourist destination complexes in Karanganyar like temple and waterfall area makes the tea plantation is the perfect route to stop by and feel the natural beauty from a height.

Jumog Waterfall

This particular tourist destination is recently maintained by the local government. Previously before being managed and given properly facilities not many tourists know the location of Jumog Waterfall. Ever since Jumog waterfall is well managed and given adequate facilities makes the waterfall area clean and comfortable to visit. Jumog Waterfall is not too difficult to access you just need to go down a few steps and cross the small bridge.  You can refresh your heart and mind by the coolness atmosphere of Mount Lawu near the Jumog Waterfall.



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