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Pasar Klewer (Klewer Market Shopping Paradise) - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Pasar Klewer (Klewer Market Shopping Paradise)

Splendid clothes hung until kleweran aka dangling are no longer found in Pasar Klewer, Solo, today. The largest textile market in Central Java has been preened after a fire that devastated the old building, late 2014. The klewer market is located side by side with Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace. A decade ago, this market had got the title of Market Slompretan. Slompretan derived from the word slompret aka trumpet that became a train marker departed in the days of Japan ago.

Once upon a time, in the days of Japanese occupation in Indonesia, Pasar Klewer area was a railway stop used as a place to sell indigenous traders. Slompretan Market is a place where small traders offer merchandise in the form of batik cloth. They placed the clothes on their shoulders so that they looked dangling or irregular when viewed from a distance. From the merchandise of batik cloth, this market is known as Pasar Klewer. Merchants at Klewer Market were originally traders selling in Banjarsari and Supit Urang areas. The klewer market began to develop in 1942-1945 and growing until 1968. The government then built a permanent storey market building on June 9, 1970, to accommodate traders who inaugurated by President Soeharto.

In the present, the already beautiful Klewer market is still become the main layover of thousands traders and buyers every day. There are 2,211 merchants with kiosks and 765 traders who do not have kiosks mingling in this market. The ambiance in the old building and the new building, Klewer Market feels different. Narrow, shabby, and irregular shades are visible in the old building. While the new building tidier, freely, and easy. Mobility up and down a storied market is made easier thanks to the presence of elevators and excavators. Now, this Solo icon also features a large parking area that previously often create congestion.

For visitors who want to shop and get prices as cheap as possible, it’s worth a little bargain. 50% discount can be earned if you buy more than one item. Not only batik, Klewer Market becomes a reliable textile shopping paradise. Uniforms, jackets, jerseys, dresses, and various clothing are available in this market. The whole day will not be finished to explore kiosks for the stalls in this legendary market.


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  • Senin 6:00 - 17:00
  • Selasa 6:00 - 17:00
  • Rabu 6:00 - 17:00
  • Kamis 6:00 - 17:00
  • Jumat 6:00 - 17:00
  • Sabtu 6:00 - 17:00
  • Minggu 6:00 - 17:00

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