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Hidden Gem of Solo: The Attraction of Keraton Surakarta’s Soldiers - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Hidden Gem of Solo: The Attraction of Keraton Surakarta’s Soldiers

Enjoying the exciting New Year in Solo! 2023, which is born in the modern era, doesn’t become a barrier for us to stay refreshed while learning history, especially The Attraction of Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrats’s Soldiers weekly event. This City of Bengawan has the exciting event that always holds on every Saturday Evening and it is located in Kori Kamandungan.

This attraction of the soldiers is also recorded in history, especially as Postage Stamps of ASEAN Para Games 2022. At that moment, in the ancient times this postage stamp was given to the soldiers of Keraton Surakarta as a high appreciation of their roles in maintaining the defense and the security of the palace. In their military roles, there were a group of soldiers with their different main duty.

Now, the attraction of the soldiers is formed as the cooperation between the Ministry of Tourism and Economic with the Surakarta Government in attracting the tourist through historical tours of soldiers culture attraction. Before enjoying the unique shows of palace soldiers culture attraction, knows closer with the soldiers!

The soldiers of Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat are the instrument that become the pride of Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat with their various duty as their soldiers’ group. Palace soldiers consist of 7 soldiers’ row:

  1. Bregodo Musik has the duty as the signal giver when the war begins.
  2. Bregodo Tamtama has the duty as the front guard in maintaining the safety of the Sunan.
  3. Bregodo Jayeng Astro has to prepare the various weapons that will be used for the other soldiers before the war.
  4. Bregodo Prawiro Anom is considered as calvary formation that became the pride of Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat also became a war champion with their duty in ambushing as well as long-distance combat.
  5. Bregodo Joyosuro as the protector outside of Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat by patrolling outside the palace while carrying a sword.
  6. Bregodo Doropati with their important roles while preparing the logistic need for the other soldiers.
  7. Bregodo Sorogeni with their formation which are filled by with the chosen soldiers or Pamungkas Soldiers that become the mainstay of Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat.

The palace soldiers have the important role in maintaining internally or externally the palace area like the duty of the king’s bodyguard, the safety of the palace, accompanies the traditional Keraton Kasunanan Surakarta Hadiningrat ceremonies, and now become one of foreign tourists’ attraction or public attraction of Solo City as tourism and entertainment.



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