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Kelompok Seni Hadrah Al-Amin Ketelan Surakarta - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Kelompok Seni Hadrah Al-Amin Ketelan Surakarta

Hadrah Al-Amin Art Group Ketelan Surakarta
Historically, hadrah or what we know today as flying music or tambourines, has been known since the time of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This can be seen from the reception of the Ansar to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. when he arrived in Medina after migrating from Mecca.

When it arrived, the Prophet Muhammad SAW. immediately greeted with a prayer “Thala’al Badru” which is percussion music, as an expression accompanied by a tool of their happiness for his presence. From there roughly the emergence of hadrah, so it can be said that hadrah came from the Arab nation and Middle Eastern countries.

Hadrah art is estimated to have been introduced to Indonesian society in the 13th century H,
brought by a great scholar from Yemen named Habib Ali bin Muhammad bin Husayn Al-Habsyi (1259-1333H/1839-1931 AD). He came to Indonesia with the mission of preaching Islam.

Besides that, he also brought Arabic art in the form of reciting blessings accompanied by tambourines which later became known as Hadrah Art. Habib Ali’s way of introducing Hadrah, namely by establishing a prayer assembly as a means of mahabbah to the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Hadrah Al-Banjari is still a type of hadroh music which has a historical connection to the time of the spread of Islam by Sunan Kalijaga, Java.

Due to its interesting development,

This art is often held in events such as the Prophet’s birthday, Isra’ Mi’raj or celebrations such as circumcisions and weddings.

The hadroh tool itself comes from the Middle East and is used for artistic events. Then this musical instrument expanded its development to Indonesia, experiencing adjustments to traditional music, both the art of the songs that are performed and the musical instruments that are played.


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  • Senin 8:00 - 17:00
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  • Sabtu 8:00 - 17:00
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