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Janur Contest 2023 - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Janur Contest 2023

Janur Contest
General Category
1. Janur’s creations (Innovations from the Workshop that is already given)
2. The tidiness of the Janur shape
3. Punctuality

General Requirements:
1. For all ages
2. Origin from Solo and its area
3. Bring your own cutter and scissors

Win attractive prizes and E-Certificates, registration from February 15-24 2023

Free and open for public

@puromangkunegaran @pemkot_solo @pariwisatasolo
@disbudparska @rumahputericibubur

For registration and more info:
0856-0198-3167 (Mr. Dwi)
0857-2816-0037 (Miss Serly)


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