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History of Balekambang - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

History of Balekambang

The Balekambang Park was originally named as partini Tuin and Partinah Bosch and which was built by Kanjeng Gusti Adipati Aryo Mangkunegoro VII on October 26, 1921, for the love of his daughters. Gray Partini Husein Djayaningrat and Gray Partinah Sukanta, The park was named after their names.

He built Balekambang Park by combining Javanese and European concepts, Balekambang Park used to be devided into two areas the area called Partini Water Park or which Partini twin sever used to functioned not only as water reservoirs for cleaning the garbage of in the city, but also to enjoy goatride. In a collection of rare plants such walnuts, white banyan, breeches, brown apples etc. Partinah Bosch is functioned as and lungs of the city.

Balekambang was often used to be a place to relax or to have recreation specifically for families and relative of the Mangkunegaran Palace, when Mangkunegoro VII enthroned Balekambang Park was opened for public. Since then entertainment has been held for the people, such as Ketoprak, accompanied by Lesung Music gamelan.

In the era of the 70’s comedian grup called as Srimulat joined which gave lively atmosphere. This comedian grup established Timbul, Gepeng, Djujuk, Nunung, Mamik Basuki as national comedian.

After Balekambang Park was revitalized in 2008, in addition to its main function but also, it is not only as catchment area and the lungs of the city it was also designated as a public area that could function as an art and culture, Botanical park, educational Parks and recreational park.  This 9.8 hectares park is located on Jl. Balekambang no. 1 Surakarta and opened to the public starting at 07.00-18.00 WIB everyday.

After being tired walking through the paths under the shady trees and walking around the park. Visitors , people can sit on the uniquely designed. benches, while the birds, cute deers, and some beautiful white swans, like the royal family of  Puro Mangkunegaran did.

Apart from being a city park, Balekambang Park also holds several extraordinary cultural events, including :

  1. Kethoprak Balekambang ( Weekly Traditional Javanesse Drama )
  2. Festival Kethoprak ( Traditional Javanesse Drama Festival )
  3. Sendratari Ramayana ( Ramayana Javanesse Ballet )
  4. Bakdan Ing Balekakambang ( Idul Fitri Feast)
  5. Opera Budaya Nusantara (Nusantara Cultural Opera)
  6. Pasar seni dan budaya (Cultural and Art Market)

Facilities :

  1. Open stage
  2. Kethoprak theater ( room theater)
  3. Outbound Package
  4. Rabbit park
  5. Fishing Pond
  6. Historical Site Mangkunegaran
  7. Plant cultivation site
  8. Park bench
  9. Hotspot areas
  10. Mushola ( pray room)
  11. Toilet
  12. Duck boat
  13. Parking Areas



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Jam Kerja:

  • Senin 8:00 - 17:00
  • Selasa 8:00 - 17:00
  • Rabu 8:00 - 17:00
  • Kamis 8:00 - 17:00
  • Jumat 8:00 - 17:00
  • Sabtu 8:00 - 17:00
  • Minggu 8:00 - 15:00

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