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De Tjolomadoe - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

De Tjolomadoe

The former Colomadu Sugar Plant has been primping in recent years. Now its name has changed to De Tjolomadoe. This sugar factory located at Jl. Adisucipto No.1, District Colomadu, Karanganyar was transformed into a cultural building and tourist destinations. Stalling history, Suikerfabriek Colomadu stood in the leadership of KGPAA Mangkunagara IV precisely on December 8, 1861. The factory was built in the area of Colomadu after Malangjiwan Village was selected to be a sugarcane plantation. After that, the construction of the factory began which followed the arrival of steam engines from Europe. As time went by, PG Colomadu officially ceased operations in 1997. The steam engine and the giant boiler were left unkempt in the years to come. Weather and corrosion eroded iron so that the functional tools of that time were turned into junk. Dull walls and worn roofs make things worse. However, revitalization changes that face.

April 2017, PT PP (Persero) Tbk, PT PP Property Tbk, PT Prambanan Temple Tourism Park, Borobudur and Ratu Boko (Persero) and PT Jasa Marga Property form a Joint Venture under the name of PT Sinergi Colomadu to change the construction of the building by sticking on cultural preservation rules.

A 1.3-hectare former building was transformed into a public space but did not loosen the original shape or parts of the sugar mill of its time. The names of the space in it are retained, such as Gilingan Station which functioned as sugar factory museum, Ketelan Station as canteen area, Evaporation Station as arcade area, Carbonate Station as art and craft area, Besali Café as restaurant, and Tjolomadoe Hall or concert hall , and Sarkara Hall as a multifunctional yard. In Tjolomadoe Hall, a number of top musicians had held a concert in it. Among them are Noah and Is former vocalist of Payung Teduh.



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