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Brayat Minulya Hospital - Ditambahkan oleh Superadmin

Brayat Minulya Hospital

  Geographic space unit    Brayat Minulya Hospital
  Adress : Dr. Setiabudi no 106 Surakarta Street
  Ward : Manahan
  Subdistrict : Banjarari
  City : Surakarta
  Province : Jawa Tengah
  Koordinat   70 33’09,3” LS 11048’51,9” BT
  Area/Size : Land area : ….
      Building area : ….
  Boundaries : North : Gedung Penunjang Medis RS Brayat Minulya
      South   Dr. Setiabudi Street
      West : Garuda Street
      East   River
  Description : The Brayat Minulya Hospital building which is located on Jl. Setiabudi was formerly a Polyclinic and Maternity Home, namely since March 1952. Previously, in 1949, the Brayat Minulya maternity clinic was located on Jl. Kebalen No.2, which was first established by Sister Nuns for Health Work (BKK), along with the development and increasing number of patients, the polyclinic was moved to Jl. Setiabudi (dh.Jl. Tagore).
Meanwhile, at the location of the polyclinic on Jl. Setiabudi already has a monastery/nurse belonging to the BKK of the Order of San Francisco which is mostly engaged in orphanages, education, health and nursing homes. In the development of the monastery, a polyclinic was built. With the increasing number of patients, in 1956 the service was expanded to include a maternity ward, laboratory and kitchen.In 1966, additional wards were made to treat pediatric patients. In 1983 the Brayat Minulya Maternity Home changed its status to a general hospital, with the result that the building was expanded for new functions.


In the west wing of Brayat Minulya Hospital, there is a 2-storey building which has a distinctive architectural style. This building used to be a pediatric patient care ward. In general, the west wing of the building is still relatively well maintained and building components such as doors, windows and tiles are still original. Development is only found on the south side in the form of a change in indoor appearance.


Brayat Minulya Hospital was built on December 8, 1949 under the name Medical Center and Maternity Home with a capacity of 6 bedrooms located at Kebalen no 2 Solo which is managed by BKK sisters. Then due to space requirements, in March 1952 the hospital was moved to Jl. Tagore 51-52 (now Jl. Setiabudi no 106.) For the development of more social services, on February 22, 1989 Brayat Minulya Hospital was officially handed over to the manager who a new association, namely the Semarang Sisters of St. Francis (OSF). RI President Ir. H. Joko Widodo was born in this hospital on June 21, 1961.


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  • Senin 8:00 - 17:00
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