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From a computer science point of view, an application is a software or computer program that operates on a particular system that is made to perform certain commands.

Application means the use and application. If it is simplified, it can be concluded that the definition of application is an application of software or software developed with the aim of performing certain tasks.

1 Bayu Oscar Delasaputra Applications and Games Jl. Kenanga No.9, Purwosari, Kec. Laweyan, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57142 082135453949
2 Tri Achmad Syahroni Applications and Games Jalan Kenanga No.9 Purwosari Laweyan Surakarta 082136544944
3 Y Marselino Putra Witjaksono Applications and Games Jalan Kenanga no.9 Laweyan, Purwosari 085799900885
4 Aulia Wulan Applications and Games Jalan Kenanga no.9 Laweyan, Purwosari 082134669909
5 Geri Gebyar Giwangkoro Applications and Games Jalan Kenanga no.9 Purwosari Laweyan Surakarta 085642245557
6 Arif Fathoni Applications and Games Jl. Ngoresan, RT/RW 03/017, Gg Pluto, Ngoresan, Jebres, Surakarta 57128 085702357323
7 Arif Setya Budi Applications and Games Jl. Ngoresan, RT/RW 03/017, Gg Pluto, Ngoresan, Jebres, Surakarta 57123 08990288000
8 Faiz Viandrian Muhammad Applications and Games  Jl. Ngoresan, RT/RW 03/017, Gg Pluto, Ngoresan, Jebres, Surakarta 57121 08121735773
9 Henny Lestari Applications and Games Jl. Ngoresan, RT/RW 03/017, Gg Pluto, Ngoresan, Jebres, Surakarta 57125 089648702017
10 Iswiboni Applications and Games Jl. Ngoresan, RT/RW 03/017, Gg Pluto, Ngoresan, Jebres, Surakarta 57122 082138505007
11 Margajaya Pandu Prasetya Applications and Games Jl. Ngoresan, RT/RW 03/017, Gg Pluto, Ngoresan, Jebres, Surakarta 57124 08121735773
12 Nanang Aditiya Subarkah Applications and Games Jl. Ngoresan, RT/RW 03/017, Gg Pluto, Ngoresan, Jebres, Surakarta 57127 085328733676
13 Rizky L. Pratama Applications and Games Jl. Ngoresan, RT/RW 03/017, Gg Pluto, Ngoresan, Jebres, Surakarta 57121 085642050850
14 Sandika perasetiyo Applications and Games Jl. Ngoresan, RT/RW 03/017, Gg Pluto, Ngoresan, Jebres, Surakarta 57126 085943069399
15 Soekma Agus Sulistyo Applications and Games Jl. Ngoresan, RT/RW 03/017, Gg Pluto, Ngoresan, Jebres, Surakarta 57121 081225822882
16 Soekma Nirwanto Applications and Games Jl. Ngoresan, RT/RW 03/017, Gg Pluto, Ngoresan, Jebres, Surakarta 57129 0895602002000
17 Theofilus Christian Kuntolukito Applications and Games Jl. Ngoresan, RT/RW 03/017, Gg Pluto, Ngoresan, Jebres, Surakarta 57121 082136132196
18 Alfonsus Aditya Budi Applications and Games JL. Pajajaran Utara I No 21, RT 02/ RW 21, Sumber 08111008187
19 ROHMAD NUR CAHYO Applications and Games JL. RAJAWALI 02/06 MANAHAN 085293775544
20 TUNGGUL DIAN SANTOSO Applications and Games GURAWAN 01/09 085268355595
21 YOHANES WIDYA SANTOSO Applications and Games JAGALAN 01/13 081225311159
22 YULIANSYAH GILANG Applications and Games JL. ARJUNA NO.2 02/04 085292532020
23 YULIUS RADIAN GALIH HASTANTO Applications and Games WIRENGAN 02/06 BALURWATI 081931694912
24 RIDHA TAQABALALLAH Applications and Games GAJAHAN 002/002, GAJAHAN, PASAR KLIWON, SURAKARTA 08562843923
25 Baharudin Afif Suryanugraha Applications and Games Jalan Kenanga no 9, Purwosari, Laweyan 081226101100
26 ADHITYA PRAMONO Applications and Games JL. JAYA WIJAYA NO. 22, SOLO 085725577997
27 KELANA BAYU AJI Applications and Games NOROWANGSAN 04/03 PAJANG, LAWEYAN, SURAKARTA 08988971656
28 Ari Heristanto Applications and Games kratonan rt 01 rw 01 serengan surakarta  



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